Are Zirconia Dental Implants Better than Titanium?

October 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Zirconia dental implant and crown against dark background

For decades, titanium dental implants have been the gold standard of tooth replacement. In recent years, though, a different type of implant — zirconia — has seen a huge rise in popularity, particularly among holistic health enthusiasts. Why are so many people drawn to zirconia dental implants, and are they really better than titanium? This blog post explores some important facts that you should keep in mind.


3 Health-Minded Non-Candy Alternatives for Trick-or-Treating

October 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
trick-or-treaters standing on the sidewalk

It is well documented that too much sugar can be detrimental to children’s overall well-being as well as their oral health. Of course, you want your children as well as the neighborhood kids to enjoy their Halloween, but you don’t want to contribute to excessive stockpiles of candy.

Fortunately, you don’t have to hand out cavity-causing sweets to everyone who will come by your house for trick-or-treating. This blog post shares three non-candy alternatives that will ensure you maintain the fun of the occasion while looking out for everyone’s smiles.


Optimize Your Oral Health by Adopting These 10 Habits

September 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Happy woman standing in bathroom, holding a toothbrush

Your mouth plays a critical role in your overall health, so it is worth your time and effort to care for your smile! But just how can you optimize your oral health? You need to be mindful of your habits. Let’s talk about 10 practices that can support your smile’s wellness and set you up for many years of strong teeth and gums.


How Can Your Teeth Affect Your Organ Health?

September 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Smiling woman visiting her doctor for a checkup

The human body is a complex network of various systems and structures, all of which need to work together if you are to enjoy optimum wellness. One part of the body that often gets dismissed as unimportant is the teeth. The truth is, though, that they are critically important! In fact, they could even affect your organ health. How is that the case? This blog post explains.


Do You Have Questions About Holistic Dentistry? We Have Answers!

August 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Thoughtful young woman with question marks around her head

If you are looking for a new dentist, there are lots of options in our area! Many local practitioners focus on conventional dentistry, but here at Enclave Dental, Dr. Thomas prefers a holistic approach. Have you ever been curious about holistic dentistry? This blog post aims to answer some popular questions about this unique approach to oral care.


Upper Airway Health and Overall Health: How Are They Related?

August 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Woman standing outside, taking a deep breath

Your lungs are the star of your respiratory system, but the channel through which oxygen gets into your lungs — known as your airway or respiratory tract — is also of critical importance. If it is not functioning properly, your whole-body wellness could suffer! Let’s talk more about this important connection. Specifically, we will focus on the functioning of your upper airway, which includes your nose, mouth, and throat.


Exploring the Connection Between Nutrition and Oral Health

July 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 1:27 pm
Happy family preparing a nutritious meal together

It is well-known that the foods you consume can have a profound impact on your overall wellness. Your teeth and gums are not the exceptions! What and how you eat can either have big benefits for your smile or big disadvantages. Would you like to learn more about the connection between nutrition and oral health? This blog post touches on some basic principles that you should keep in mind.


Zirconia Dental Implants: A Safe and Biocompatible Form of Tooth Replacement

July 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 12:48 pm
Zirconia dental implant and crown against neutral background

Among dental professionals, it is universally acknowledged that dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. However, most practices only provide implants that are made of a titanium alloy. Titanium is very strong and offers some other benefits, but it does have its drawbacks. That is why holistic dentists often recommend zirconia dental implants as a safe and biocompatible alternative. What are zirconia implants, and what benefits do they come with? This blog post explains.


How Ozone Therapy Supports Dental Implant Outcomes

June 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Man’s smile with dental implant in the upper arch

If you are missing one or more teeth, Dr. Thomas might suggest that you get dental implants to recomplete your smile. Implants come with a long list of advantages, but they do require that you undergo a surgical procedure. Dr. Thomas wants to support you through your recovery process, so she might recommend that you receive ozone therapy at your surgical sites. What is ozone therapy, and how can it contribute to positive outcomes for dental implant treatment? This blog post explains.


The Meridian Tooth Chart: Connecting Your Oral and Overall Health

June 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Colorful illustration of meridians in the human body

It is well-established that oral health and overall health are strongly connected. Very often, gum disease is used as an example to show that what happens in the mouth can have a profound effect on the rest of the body. But did you know that the mouth-body connection is even more intricate? Many holistic dentists rely on the Meridian Tooth Chart to understand how the health of the teeth can affect various bodily systems. This blog post explains what that chart is and the basics of how it works.

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