Do You Have Questions About Holistic Dentistry? We Have Answers!

August 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Thoughtful young woman with question marks around her head

If you are looking for a new dentist, there are lots of options in our area! Many local practitioners focus on conventional dentistry, but here at Enclave Dental, Dr. Thomas prefers a holistic approach. Have you ever been curious about holistic dentistry? This blog post aims to answer some popular questions about this unique approach to oral care.


Upper Airway Health and Overall Health: How Are They Related?

August 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Woman standing outside, taking a deep breath

Your lungs are the star of your respiratory system, but the channel through which oxygen gets into your lungs — known as your airway or respiratory tract — is also of critical importance. If it is not functioning properly, your whole-body wellness could suffer! Let’s talk more about this important connection. Specifically, we will focus on the functioning of your upper airway, which includes your nose, mouth, and throat.

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