Why Visit a Holistic Dentist for Oral Health Emergencies?
May 15, 2024

A dental emergency can happen at any time. Whether you come down with a sudden toothache or accidentally chip a tooth when you are playing sports, it is important that you receive professional care as soon as possible. But should you visit a conventional dentist or a holistic dentist? The decision is up to you. However, you can expect to experience some definite benefits when you partner with a holistic practitioner.
(more…)Achoo! The Surprising Way Seasonal Allergies Can Affect Your Oral Health
May 1, 2024

Spring is full of colorful flowers and bright sunshine — it is a beautiful time of year. Unfortunately, though, this season is not all good. Many people find themselves the victim of nasal congestion, sneezing, and other allergy symptoms. Seasonal allergies can be miserable! Plus, they can do more than just make you feel under the weather. They could endanger your oral health! How is that the case, and what can you do to protect your smile? This blog post explains.