Soft Tissue Laser Frenectomy TRULY Sets Enclave Dental Apart!

November 25, 2015

Recently I wrote a short piece of my personal story regarding lip and tongue ties (Ankyloglossia), and ultimately, why I am so intent on bringing this awareness to other mothers and babies struggling in the same way I did. The procedure mentioned in that story is called a frenectomy. This is a very short and painless procedure I have performed on HUNDREDS of babies and children over the years, and fully plan to bring relief to hundreds and hundreds more!


Prior to the procedure, a topical anesthetic, which is free of benzocaine, is applied on the lip or under the tongue, where the frenum connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth. This ensures the child feels no discomfort during, nor after the procedure. I then use a very small, precision, soft-tissue laser to release the fibers and relieve the tension on the lip and/or the tongue, so the tongue can move freely. Lip and Tongue tie can cause cavities, gap in the front teeth, trouble with feeding, chewing, speech, etc. Usually, there is no bleeding and the laser greatly reduces the risk for infection. Healing and regeneration is stimulated by the laser’s energy, so recovery time is also much quicker. Some babies even sleep through the procedure! The whole encounter, from your consult to the time you leave, will take no longer than a typical dental visit for routine cleaning! (more…)

Can Your Dentist Save Your Breastfeeding Relationship With Your Child?

One of the reasons I enjoy spending time peeling back the layers of my story for you is so we can build a GENUINE connection. It is also important for you to understand the reasoning behind my practice and why I am so passionate about treating my patients. So, when I ask you if your newborn is having difficulty nursing, or if your toddler is having issues chewing her food, or suffering with reflux, you may wonder how that relates to dentistry and oral health. I’m so happy you asked…!

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Years ago as a new mother, my baby had great difficulty nursing and was very colicky. Even after changing pediatricians several times, no one could find anything wrong with my son and my frustration grew. By the time my son was 6 years old, I had been told about lip and tongue ties (a congenital condition called Ankyloglossia) in children and began to earnestly research the condition and it’s symptoms. I was BLOWN AWAY that something so simple, and usually easy to fix, could cause so many problems for thousands of frustrated mothers and children! I hold a masters degree in craniofacial development, have trained at two dental schools in India, as well as advanced training at Harvard Dental School, yet still had never learned about lip and tongue ties.

I was determined and quickly became formally trained to fix lip and tongue ties. My 6 year old son was my first patient for that procedure, called a frenectomy. His issues with chewing and throwing up his food immediately disappeared! In some instances, lip and tongue ties can contribute to cavities, speech development issues, and digestive complications. These are a few reasons why it is important to recognize and fix the problem early on.

For the mothers who can relate to this story, I want to say to you – I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! I encourage you to look for lip and tongue tie symptoms like the ones below:

  • Poor latch
  • Colic symptoms
  • Reflux symptoms
  • Poor weight gain
  • Continuous feedings
  • Gumming or chewing of nipple
  • Unable to take pacifier or bottle
  • Incomplete breast drainage
  • Infected nipples or breasts
  • Nipple thrush

Because of my own experience, I am extremely committed to bringing relief and joy back to nursing mothers and their babies. Enclave Dental is one of a very small group of dental practices in all of North Texas who use a precision laser during the procedure. This special laser means a frenectomy in our office usually takes a mere 1-2 minutes, with only a topical, local anesthetic being used, so your child remains perfectly comfortable and hardly skips a beat!

Thank you for letting me share a little of my story with you. It is my true hope that I will be a small part of your story, in some way, as we continue to encourage safe, holistic dental care. Please call our office today for an appointment – I am very excited to visit with you soon!

Embracing Whole-Body Wellness,

Preetha Thomas, DMD
Enclave Dental

Enclave Dental is Taking Dental Care to a “Holistic” New Level

November 4, 2015

One peaceful sunny morning on a beautiful tropical beach in southern India, a young girl watches the sunrise and listens to the steady, living rhythm of the waves breaking on the beach. She feels the calm connection between nature and body, and senses a natural balance amongst everything we call Life. She has been raised to appreciate the importance of nutrition and a holistic approach to health. In a thriving region that boasts India’s highest literacy rate and highest life expectancy, she has grown up observing several relatives practicing holistic medicine as both physician and midwife. These fundamental influences and life experiences set the young girl on a path that would lead her passion and her family halfway around the globe…

Enclave NOV Feature

I, Dr. Preetha Thomas, was that young girl, who now owns Enclave Dental in Southlake, Texas. Several years after receiving my DMD from Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and serving multiple positions in both public and private sectors, including Dental Director, Faculty Consultant, and Clinical Instructor, my family and I found their way to North Texas and have been providing skilled, safe, holistic dentistry to patients ever since!

What sets Enclave Dental apart is our natural, holistic approach which seeks to always treat the underlying problem causing the symptoms, and eliminate the real cause, rather than just covering up the symptom. I take great care to use products and restorations that are METAL FREE and BIOCOMPATIBLE. My goal for every patient is to achieve whole body health!

My philosophy is, “What I do for my family, I do for my patients.” I am a mother of three children, and I do not expose them to fluoride, therefore, there is no fluoride used in our office. I am proud to offer my patients complete and wholesome care in a comfortable, spa-like environment and I want everyone to SEE AND FEEL the difference in natural, holistic dental care.

Please contact our practice today for check-ups, pediatric dentistry, and cosmetic & restorative dentistry. We look forward to welcoming you to the Enclave Dental family!

Embracing whole-body wellness,

Dr. Preetha Thomas, DMD

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